Monday, August 25, 2014

2 Scenarios

Scenario 1
This event involves being invited to watch a rated R movie at a friend's house while their parents at home. Personally, I would accept since I often watch R movies. First of all, if my friend really enjoys it and watched it a lot, then it is probably entertaining, so I wouldn't really have to worry about looking it up to see how good it is. Also, I just don't mind obscenity in movies since I don't find it to be too serious. However, if I know this movie is extremely obscene (Possibly pornographic) I would not go since I just don't feel comfortable watching that kind of media.

Scenario 2
This scenario presents a dilemma where you are asked to go to a concert involving partial nudity and overall obscenity. Without thinking too much, I already no I would say no. To begin with, I don't like concerts because they're expensive and it really serves no point to see a musical performance live to me. Secondly, I'm just not very comfortable watching sexual content/nudity with friends around me. In terms of offensiveness though, I don't feel any sense of anger or anything, though while it certainly can be offensive, people should be able to censor content they watch by themselves.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Movie: Star Wars

While not actually a movie but rather a series of movies, Star Wars presents the character Darth Vader as an evil mastermind and leader of the Empire, of which they are aligned with the dark side. However, a prophecy states that eventually, he will be the one to bring balance to the Force (Basically, the moral balance of the world) by destroying the dark, which he eventually does by sacrificing himself to kill his master, Darth Sidious. The redemption is seen through him killing Sidious because he brought balance to the force as the prophecy stated as well as atone for his previous actions of nearly destroying the Jedi (Organization that was affiliated with the light side) and ruling over the galaxy with an iron fist.